Subject: Cultural Anthropology

Scientific Area:

Culture Studies


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

Anthropology is a human science which aims at the understanding of human diversity in the world, through the study of biological and cultural evolution of man, their modes of production, social structures, traditions, customs and languages, from the distant past to the present day. With this course we aim for students to acquire some bases essentially oriented to the understanding of the role of Culture in the formation of identity, favoring the analysis of human behavior, as a source of reflections on others and otherness. Specific Objectives: Sensitize the student to perceive and value cultural diversity, affirming the positive sense of difference and cultural identity, contributing to avoid ethnocentric manifestations.

- Demonstrate that Applied Anthropology aims to improve intercultural relations and that Anthropology and Communication can dialogue with each other.


1 Anthropology introduction
1.1. Discovery of the world and alterity (ethnographic literature 16th-19th centuries)
1.2. Birth of Humanities sciences
1.3. The anthropological View from Afar
2. Definitions and concepts of Culture
2.1. Patterns of culture (Benedict), and Invariant culture (Lévi-Strauss)
2.2. Cultural diversity: Relativism, determinism and cultural Dynamism
2.3. Culture factors
2.4. Cultural dynamics
2.4.1. The language and the verbal
2.4.2. Non-verbal arts and games
3. Social Ethnem and Change
3.1. Family, Education, Religion, Economy and Politics
3.2. Culture and Change: Theoretical Aspects of Cultural Change and Creativity
3.3. Characteristics of Cultural Change in Contemporary Societies
3.3.1. Self-reflexivity of Culture
3.3.2. Global Culture and Multiculturalism


Benedict, R. (s.d.). Padrões de cultura. Lisboa: Livros do Brasil.
Bernardi, B. (1974). Introdução aos Estudos Etno-Antropológicos. Vila Nova de Gaia: Edições 70
Breton, Y. (1981). L'Anthropologie Sociale et les sociétés de pêcheurs: réflexions sur la naissance d?un sous-champ disciplinaire, Anthropologie et Sociétés, 1981, vol.5, 1: 7-27.
Cuche, D. (2003). A Noção de Cultura nas Ciências Sociais. Coimbra: Pé de Página.
Damásio, A. (2017) A estranha ordem das coisas. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores.
Geertz, C. (1978). A interpretação das culturas. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar.
Titiev, M. (1992). Introdução à antropologia cultural. Serviço da Educação, 7.ª ed., F. C. Gulbenkian.
Xavier, J.B. (2016) Cultura na vida de todos os dias. Porto: Porto Editora

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Evaluation regime:
a) Periodic evaluation - Consisting of two written tests. (Weighting 70%)
b) Continuous evaluation - Written works with oral presentation (20% weighting); Critical interventions in class. (Weighting 10%).
Note - 1. The periodic evaluation is conditioned to 75% of class attendance.
2.The Classification obtained by the continuous evaluation can not be recovered in an examination of resource