Subject: Education,Citizenship and Globalization

Scientific Area:

Educational Sciences


27 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Develop the capacities of analysis, critical thinking, argumentation and discussion of issues of education, citizenship and globalization;
2 - Identify the core concepts of human action, morals and ethics;
3 - Think critically about the importance of education for values;
4 - Understand the evolution of the concept of citizenship and its reconfiguration in post-modernity;
5 - Think critically about the role of Human Rights in the construction of global citizenship;
6 - Understand the ethical dimension of citizenship;
7 - Identify the ethical assumptions of active citizenship;
8 - Identify the knowledge and skills of the citizen of the XXI century;
9 - Develop attitudes of analysis and critical reflection in the face of the ethical relationship and citizenship;
10 - Analyze the concept of education for global citizenship and its implications.


1 - Within this curricular unit, students must be able to: Human action, values and citizenship;
2 - The conceptual network and values of human action;
3 - Citizenship in the context of democratic, pluricultural and risky societies;
4 - Citizenship, democratic societies and human rights;
5 - Globalization and global citizenship;
6 - Citizenship in a risk society;
7 - The ethical dimension of human and civic action;
8 - Nature of ethics: Ethics, Morals, Law and Religion;
9 - From the private sphere of the moral person to the public sphere of citizenship;
10 - Civic awareness as awareness of duty;
11 - Contemporary issues / problems and their perspective on ethics;
12 - Education for Global Citizenship;
13 - Education as an ethical commitment.


S. Araújo , 2004 , Contributos para uma educação para a cidadania. Professores e estudantes em contexto intercultural , Alto Comissariado para a Imigração e Diálogo Intercultural
I. Batista , 2005 , Dar rosto ao futuro. A Educação como compromisso ético , Profedições
M. Chossudovsky , 2003 , A Globalização da Pobreza e a Nova Ordem Mundial , Editorial Caminho
A. Cortina , 2011 , Ciudadanía democrática: ética, política y religión. XIX Conferencias Aranguren , Isegoría. Revista de Filosofía Moral y Política
A. Fonseca , 2001 , Educar para a cidadania. Motivações, Princípios e Metodologias , Porto Editora
A. L. Lúcio , 2013 , Desenvolvimento, educação e direitos humanos , Em Revista Portuguesa de Educação
F. Savater , 2002 , Ética y ciudadania , Montesinos
Ph. Perrenoud , 2005 , Escola e Cidadania. O papel da escola na formação para a democracia , Artmed

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The methodology is theoretical and practical, that is, dialogic, promoting student involvement in the learning process. To this end, an explanation of the syllabus, reading and critical analysis of scientific articles (in pairs or small groups) will be used, as well as the resolution of problems / issues related to global citizenship, in the light of ethical principles. The evaluation of the master's students contemplates the direct observation of participation in the classroom (20% of the final grade), the ability to autonomously research theoretical information and the oral presentation and discussion of the structure of a written work on one of the points of the syllabus (30% of the final grade). The written work represents 50% of the final classification.