Subject: Community Development Report

Scientific Area:

Educational Sciences


126 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Implement the community intervention project adjusting it to the research locus, internship;
2 - Unleash methodological research processes appropriate to the Community Development report;
3 - Unleash methodological processes of local intervention appropriate to the internship;
4 - To privilege the development of a reflexive and critical attitude throughout the process of community development;
5 - Write the Internship report of linking theory, practice and methodology developed;
6 - Share the results and conclusions of the community development report with the community.


1 - Characterization of intervention contexts.
2 - Educational intervention as a change and socio-cultural transformation.
3 - The adequacy of the problem, objectives and intervention questions to the internship contexts.
4 - The operationalization of research processes emerging from the community intervention project.
5 - The reflection and evaluation of the intervention processes in the development of the internship report.
6 - The processes of active participation and the methodology of project work.
7 - Strategies for mobilizing scientific knowledge from the community development report.


Almeida, A. T., & Fernandes, N. , 2010 , Intervenção com crianças, jovens e famílias. Estudos e práticas. , Almedina
Baixinho, A. F. , 2013 , As autarquias e a educação. Num contexto de mudança das formas de governação. , Chiado Editora
Vieira, I. F. , 2015 , A participação. Um paradigma para intervenção social. , Universidade Católica Editora
Villar, M. , 2007 , A cidade educadora , Instituto Piaget
Banks, S. , 2008 , Utilização de diários como encorajamento à reflexão ética durante o estágio In Banks & Kirsten Nohr (Eds.). Ética Prática para as Profissões do Trabalho Social , Porto Editora
Freire, P. , 1997 , Política e Educação , Editora Cortez
Gomez, J., Freitas, O. & Callejas, G. , 2007 , Educação e desenvolvimento local. Perspectivas pedagógicas e sociais da sustentabilidade. , Profedices
Trilla, J. , 2004 , Animação Sociocultural , Instituto Piaget

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type:

Evaluation Methodology:
The scientific advisor (from UMa) monitors and triggers methodologies focused on autonomous work and on meaningful learning throughout the internship and its report, in agreement with the cooperating supervisor (institution hosting the internship). Students, through different methodologies and techniques of the UC of Research Methodologies in Social Sciences and Community Intervention Project, build the knowledge base to carry out the internship. The debate and reflection in the Seminar hours take place according to the need to formulate strategies for the maturation of the localized intervention. At the same time, the methodological approach of the Report will always be negotiated with the students and with the cooperating supervisor, in order to become adjusted. The assessment focuses on the intervention's quality in the contexts of the internship and the final work (report) including the student's oral performance in the public tests. For each of these elements the weighting is 50%