Subject: Didactics of Physical Education and Sport II

Scientific Area:



72 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

The objective of this curricular unit is to qualify students with a set of essential abilities for planning, implementation and evaluation of collective sports games in the school setting. Therefore students should be able to: (1) show knowledge and skills in the structure and organization of a teaching unit of collective sports games, (2) understand and apply alternative teaching models in collective sports games, (3) present specific situations of teaching and learning focused in the development of each participant in face of their individual difficulties, (4) develop knowledge that enable them to understand the educational value of collective sports games in general education and in the global development of the student, highlighting the human and cultural dimension of sports, cultivating the sportive and enthusiastic skills of the participants.


1 - Theory of collective sports games: Instructional models applicable to collective sports games.

2 - Methodological proposals for the teaching and learning Handball

3 - Methodological proposals for the teaching and learning Basketball

4 - Methodological proposals for the teaching and learning Soccer

5 - Methodological proposals for the teaching and learning Volleyball

6 - Methodological proposals for the teaching and learning of collective invasion games


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Bayer, C. (1994): O ensino dos desportos colectivos. Lisboa: Col. Desporto. Ed. Dinalivro.

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Davids, K. (2000). Movement variability and its implications for coaches and teachers of football. Insight, 2, (3), 38-39.

Fonseca, H. & Garganta, J. (2006). Futebol de Rua: um beco com saída. Do jogo espontâneo à prática deliberada. Lisboa: Visão e Contextos Editor.

Garganta, J. & Pinto, J. (1995). O ensino do futebol. In Graça A., & Oliveira J. (Eds.), O ensino dos jogos desportivos (pp. 95-135). Porto: CEJD. FCDEF-UP.

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Tavares, F. (2015). Jogos Desportivos Coletivos: ensinar a jogar (2ª ed.). Porto: Editora FADEUP.

Tavares, F., Graça, A., Garganta, J., Mesquita, I. (2008). Olhares e contextos da performance nos jogos desportivos. Porto: Faculdade de Desporto da Universidade do Porto.

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Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitative (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology: The contents are covered in theoretical, theoretical-practical and laboratory practice sessions, and with the possibility of intervention, discussion and clarification of doubts. The development of research and further reading on the teaching of team sports games is encouraged, as well as, the elaboration of plans and reports on the pedagogical practice. The participation of students in theoretical and practical classes and laboratory practices, through inquiry and application of knowledge and teaching skills, are valued, so a minimum of 75% attendance is required. Theoretical evaluation through two written tests (20%+20%). Theoretical-practical evaluation through a review of a scientific article on the TSG (15%); designing a TSG didactic unit as a group (30%) and an oral / personal discussion about this same didactic unit (15%).