Subject: European Space: Literatures, Cultures and Diversity

Scientific Area:

Literature and Culture


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1. - To develop the analytical awareness of identity and otherness in the European space, bearing in mind the plurality and interaction of diverse European literatures and cultures.
2. - Identify the concept of European space, using a critical approach to the notions of mobility, diversity and national and transnational dynamics;
3. - To distinguish themes, motifs and myths recurrent from the literatures and cultures of the European space, with a view to their characterization;
4. - To reflect on the theme of travel, cosmopolitanism and the city as an encounter and discovery of European identity and otherness;
5. - To analyze critically literary texts;
6. - To Identify experiences of insularity in a European context;
7. - To carry out research and writing of scientific papers of postgraduate level in the area of literature and culture.


1. - European space in the contemporary world: plurality, crossovers, prospects
1.1. - Identity(s) and cultural diversity
1.2. - Mobilities, crossings and reconfigurations
2. - Literatures and cultures in Europe
2.1. - From the text to the historical, political and socio-cultural context
2.2. - Thematic recurrences
2.2.1. - Travel and cosmopolitanism
2.2.2. - The city and the new urban characters
3. - Insularity in the European Area
3.1. - The island and the mainland, the archipelago and the ocean
3.2. - Utopian visions of Europe


B. M. Ratter , 2018 , Geography of Small Islands: Outposts of Globalisation , Springer.
Edgar Morin , 2005 , Culture et barbarie européennes , Paris: Bayard
Vasco Graça Moura , 2013 , A Identidade Cultural Europeia , Lisboa: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, Colecção: Ensaios da Fundação.
Adrien Pasquali , 1994 , Le tour des horizons. Critique et récits de voyage , Paris: Klincksieck
Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro (coord.) , 2002 , Identidade Europeia e Multiculturalismo Coimbra: Quarteto , Coimbra: Quarteto
Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro (coord.) , 2010 , maginar a Europa (Estudos sobre a Europa; 7) , Coimbra: Almedina
Maria Alzira Seixo , 1997 , A viagem na Literatura , Lisboa: Publicações Europa-América
Haun Saussy , 2006 , Comparative Literature in a age of globalization , John Hopkins University Press
Galin Tihanov , 2013 , Narrativas do Exílio. Cosmopolitismo além da imaginação liberal , São Carlos: Pedro & João Editores
Isabel Capeloa Gil (coord.) , 2009 , Identidade Europeia: identidades na Europa , Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora
Helena Carvalhão Buescu, Cristina Almeida Ribeiro, Maria Graciete Silva, Simão Valente (coord.) , 2018 , Literatura-Mundo Comparada, Perspectivas em Português - O Mundo Lido: Europa, Parte II, Vols. 3 e 4 , Lisboa: Tinta da China
Zygmunt Bauman , 2001 , Modernidade Líquida (Trad. Plínio Dentzien) , Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor
Jean-Louis Backès , 2012 , A literatura Europeia (Tradução de L. C. Feio. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget. , Instituto Piaget
Eduardo Lourenço , 2001 , A Europa desencantada Para uma mitologia europeia , Lisboa: Gradiva
MACEDO, Ana Gabriela, Carlos Mendes de Sousa e Vítor Moura , 2016 , Outros Mapas. Linguagem, Migração , Diáspora: Vila Nova de Famalicão: Edições Humus
Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro (coord.) , 2002 , Identidade Europeia e Multiculturalismo. , Coimbra: Quarteto
Cesário Verde , 2021. , O Livro de Cesário Verde e Outros Poemas (pref. Paula Morão). , Lisboa: Penguin Clássicos.
Charles Baudelaire , 1972 , Les Fleurs du mal [1857] , Paris : Le livre de poche.
Eça de Queirós , 2016 , Civilização e Outros Contos Contos [1892]]. , Porto: Porto Editora/Livros do Brasil
Franz Kafka , 2009 , A Metamorfose [1915] (trad. de Gabriela Fragoso) , Lisboa: Editorial Presença.
Helena Marques , 1992 , O Último Cais , Lisboa: Edições Dom Quixote.
Arturo Pérez-Reverte , 2015 , Homens Bons , Lisboa: Edições Asa
Le Clézio, J. M. G. , 1980 , Désert , Paris: Gallimard
Susan Bassnett , 1995 , Comparative Literature. A Critical introduction , Oxford UK & Cambridge USA: Blackwell
Helena Buescu , 2018 , Literatura e património, in Colóquio-Letras, 199, Set-Dez, pp. 37-47. ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The teaching of the program focuses on sessions that combin e the theoretical and practical components - the theoretical exposition is consolidated with practical work, through the problematization and debate on conceptual issues for a better understanding of the contents through individual and group research activities. Supervised research on aspects of literature and culture in the European space; ? Creation of a portfolio / dossier with books / texts chosen by students ? (Eventual) Involvement of the student in the research carried out in Research Centers (Centro de Estudos Comparatistas - CEComp - of the University of Lisbon). The participation of students in classes and contribution to the portfolio is evaluated considering its relevance and regularity. It has a weighting of 20%; The research work, from its preparation to the written delivery (50%) and oral presentation (30%), including the responsiveness in the oral presentation, has a weighting of 80%.