Subject: Processing and Preservation of Agricultural Products

Scientific Area:

Food Industries


57 Hours

Number of ECTS:

4,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Understand the importance of post-harvest technology, namely the processing and conservation of agricultural products.
2 - To know and distinguish the different conservation and transformation methodologies, and identify the conservation and transformation methodologies appropriate to the principles of the organic production.
3 - To know and understand the specific legislation regarding the processing, conservation and transformation of agricultural products in organic farming.
4 - Properly mobilize the knowledge acquired.
5 - Develop skills to interpret, evaluate, decide and intervene responsibly in situations related to future professional activity.
6 - Develop and demonstrate initiative, autonomy and work habits.


1 - Post-harvest technology in fruit and vegetables.
1.1 - The importance of post-harvest processing of agriculture products.
1.2 - Harvest and quality of raw materials.
1.3 - Care in handling and processing.
1.4 - Storage and distribution conditions.
2 - Notions on conservation methods for agricultural products.
2.1 - The biological processes that influence the conservation of products.
2.2 - The importance of microorganisms in the conservation of products.
3 - Understanding conservation technologies.
3.1 - Refrigeration. Installations and storage in chamber. Conservation using cold (freezing, cryogenics, freeze-drying).
3.2. - Conservation using heat (pasteurization, sterilization, dehydration, evaporation, salting, smoking). - Radiation and ionization.
3.3. - Conservation, with the addition of chemical agents (antioxidants, natural stabilizers).
3.4. - Conserves. Acidification and fermentation, salting and canning.
4. - Noções do tempo de vida e conservação dos produtos agrícolas.
4.1. - Importance of proper raw material selection. Raw material quality.
4.2. - Conservation processes and technologies. Storage conditions.
5. - Introduction to the processing of agricultural products.
5.1 - Introduction to the transformation of agricultural products. Techniques for transforming agricultural products.
6. - Specific legislation regarding the processing, conservation and transformation of agricultural products in organic production mode
7. - Actividades laboratoriais e de campo de demonstração e desenvolvimento de competências relacionadas com processamento pós-colheita e transformação de produtos agrícolas.
7.1. - Study visits to operators in the area of post-harvest processing and transformation of agricultural products.


Jorge Ferreira (coordenador) , 2012 , As bases da Agricultura Biológica. Tomo 1-Produção Vegetal , EDIBIO edições
Ferreira, WFC, Sousa, JCF, Lima, N. , 2010 , Microbiologia , Lidel ed. técnicas, Lisboa
Pinto PMZ, Morais, AMMB , 2000 , Boas prácticas para a conservação de produtos hortofruticolas , ESB/UCP
Van Berkel BM,van den Boogaard B, Heijnen C. , 2005 , Conservação de peixe e carne , Fundação Agromisa, Wageningen
Clark S, Jung S, Lamsal B. , 2013 , Food Processing: Principles and applications , Wiley Blackwell
DaveD., Ghaly A.E. , 2011 , Meat spoilage mechanisms and preservation techniques: a critical review , American Journal of Agricultural and Biological sciences 6(4)
Conselho da Europa , 2008 , Regulamento (CE) N.º 889/2008 , Conselho da Europa
Conselho da Europa , 2007 , Regulamento (CE) N.º 834/2007 , Conselho da Europa

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
In accordance with the expected for the Professional Higher Technical Courses. The evaluation of the Course Unit includes a frequency with a weight of 40%, two reports with a weight of 15% each and a paper and presentation, with a weight of 30%, in the final classification. All elements can be recovered at the time of appeal and be subject to improvement.