Subject: Commercial and Corporate Law

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:


1.  Overview of the legal regime applicable to business and commercial companies:

  • External component: transactions of goods and services;
  • Of operation and internal organization.

2.  Acquisition of notions about:

  • Commercial and commercial law;
  • Commercial relations and the need for their regulation by the legislator;
  • Issues and problems that gravitate around commerce;
  • Types of commercial companies;
  • Act of commerce, merchant and company.

3.  Application of:

  • Legal knowledge and concepts related to the legal-business reality;
  • Knowledge acquired in the exercises of the professional functions seeking to develop oral exposition of the students;

4.  Identification of legislation and regulatory frameworks applicable to a particular concrete and practical case.




  1. Introductory Concepts

1.1  Concept and scope of commercial law.

  1. Trade in the economic sense and in the legal sense;
  2. Historical evolution of commercial law. The objectivist and subjectivist conceptions;
  3. Notion and scope of Portuguese commercial law.

1.2  The sources of commercial and commercial law.

1.3  Of the acts of commerce

  1. Concept of trade act and its practical interest;
  2. Classifications of trade acts.

2. Traders

2.1  The commercial entrepreneur;

2.2  Obtaining merchant quality;

  1. Practical interest in qualifying as a trader;
  2. Qualified and non-qualifying subjects as traders, legally inhibited from the exercise of trade and cases of doubtful qualification;
  3. Status of traders.

3. The business or commercial establishment

3.1  The typology of commercial companies in Portuguese law

  1. Legal notions of company: terminology and main features;
  2. Companies in an objective sense;
  3. Business on the companies: the trespass and the lease.

3.2  Types of companies

  1. Principle of typicality: meaning and justification;
  2. General characterization of different corporate legal types.

4. Formation, merger, spin-off and transformation of commercial companies

4.1  Incorporation of companies;

4.2  Merger of companies;

4.3  Spin-off of companies;

4.4  Transformation of companies.

5. Forms of cooperation and association between enterprises

5.1  Contract of consortium;

5.2  Contract of association in participation;

5.3  Complementary grouping of companies.


ABREU, Jorge Manuel Coutinho de, Curso de Direito Comercial, Vol. I, Reimpressão, Almedina, 1999 Coimbra.

CUNHA, Paulo Olavo, Direito das Sociedades Comerciais, 6ª edição, Almedina, 2016, Coimbra.

Assesssment methods and criteria:


Evaluation Model A

1. Frequency 21/03/2024 - 50%;

2. Project - Written work 22/05/2024 - 30%;

3. Project - Oral presentation - 23/05/2024 - 20%.