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Further information

HPTC in Agri-food Technologies

This course aims to train professionals for the farming and agri-food sectors, providing them the skills and competencies needed to practice, in an autonomous manner or as part of a team, technical supervisory and organisational duties in agricultural holdings and businesses, or in processing undertakings of agricultural and food products, or in similar areas.
The training of future technicians in agri-food technology will be framed by the new challenges posed by the ecological pact (Green Deal), by the sustainability of systems and food production chains, and by the valorisation of raw materials, by-products and local waste, being directed towards the development and leverage of activities performed in agricultural holdings, agri-food businesses or use and recovery of waste.





Duration of Studies:

4 semestres / 2 Anos


26 OPENINGS AVAILABLE - Candidaturas aos CTeSP - 2024/25

This course aims to train professionals for the farming and agri-food sectors, providing them the skills and competencies needed to practice, in an autonomous manner or as part of a team, technical supervisory and organisational duties in agricultural holdings and businesses, or in processing undertakings of agricultural and food products, or in similar areas.
The training of future technicians in agri-food technology will be framed by the new challenges posed by the ecological pact (Green Deal), by the sustainability of systems and food production chains, and by the valorisation of raw materials, by-products and local waste, being directed towards the development and leverage of activities performed in agricultural holdings, agri-food businesses or use and recovery of waste.




DGES Registry:


Duration of Studies:

4 semestres / 2 Anos


26 OPENINGS AVAILABLE - Candidaturas aos CTeSP - 2024/25





Career Opportunities and Employability

The professionals will be qualified to work in areas such as the primary sector, food and non-food production, in agri-food industries or industries of recovery of bio-resources, by-products or waste, in other businesses and public administration, or in self-employment projects. These professionals will hold the competencies and skills needed to plan, elaborate, design and implement production processes using agricultural products, matrices and residues, and to use (bio)technological processes and technologies that promote the sustainability of food production systems and industries, contributing to the green transition and to the bioeconomy.


Possible Candidates
Holders of a High School Diploma or similar;
Candidates that are over 23 years old, whose admission has been approved through the higher education special contest meant for students over 23;
Holders of a Technological Specialisation course diploma, of a Higher Professional Technical Course diploma or of a Higher Education Degree.

* The information on this page does not preclude consultation of the Degree’s Curriculum in Diário da República.