Subject: Integrated Management Systems

Scientific Area:

Organization/Company Background


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Understand the fundamental concepts of the integration of quality, environment, health and safety and social responsibility systems, providing a global perspective of their functioning, and their relevance for all agents involved, through addressing fundamental theoretical and practical issues;
2 - Adopt continuous improvement as a component of Organizational Development;
3 - Create an integrated system fulfilling the main requirements identified for the various sectors with a view to improving competitiveness.


1 - Theoretical foundations of an Integrated Management System.
1.1 - Quality Management, Environmental Management, Occupational Health and Safety Management, Social Responsibility.
2 - Standardization, metrology and qualification systems (accreditation and certification).
2.1 - Portuguese Quality System.
2.2 - Systems integration: comparative study between references.
2.3 - Integration Methodology of the requirements of the NP EN ISO 9001, NP EN ISO 14001, OSHAS18001/NP 4397 and SA 8000/NP 4469 standards.
3 - Certification.
3.1 - Certification preparation process.
3.2 - Audit of the integrated management system.


Diário da República , NP EN ISO 9001:2015. Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade. Requisitos NP EN ISO 9004:2011. Sistemas de Gestãoda Qualidade. Linhas de Orientação para Melhoria do Desempenho NP EN ISO 9000:2015. Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade. Fundamentos e VocabulárioNP E , Diário da República
António, N.S., Teixeira, A. , 2009 , Requisitos gerais de competência emlaboratórios de ensaio/calibração , Edições Sílabo.
Capricho, L., Lopes, A., , 2007 , Gestão da Qualidade: de Deming ao modelo de excelência da EFQM , Edições Sílabo.
Paiva, A.L., Capelas, L., Sampaio, P., Saraiva, P , 2009 , Manual de gestão da qualidade , Lisboa, Editora RH
Verlag. Pinto, A.R , 2007 , ISO 9001:2008.Implementação e Certificação , -
Ramos, P.A., , 2007 , Qualidade: Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade , Lisboa: Edições Sílabo

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The aim is to acquire and apply the knowledge foreseen in the course?s objectives and syllabus contents, through an active and interdisciplinary methodology. The student must learn the basic concepts and know-how to relate them to each other, proceeding with their reinforcement, through applied learning using available tools and study visits to concrete situations of the future professional activity. To achieve the objectives and implement the syllabus, the UC's contact hours are scheduled as follows: Theoretical-practical teaching: 19 hours; Practical and laboratory teaching: 35 hours; and Field work: 10 hours. The evaluation will include several moments of evaluation applied to the theoretical-practical components, laboratory practices and field work (e.g. frequencies, works and reports), any of the elements cannot exceed a weighting of 50%. the theoretical-practical elements can be retrieved in resource.