Master's Degree in Mathematics Education For The 3rd Cycle Of The Basic And Secondary School

The cycle of studies of the master’s degree in Teaching mathematics in the 3rd cycle of basic and secondary education is comprised of 4 semesters (2 academic years). Those who obtain 120 ECTS are awarded the title.
This master’s degree aims at training Math teachers for the 3rd cycle of Basic and Secondary Education. The main objective of this degree is to develop math skills, initiated in the 1st cycle of studies, and to acquire and develop of scientific and pedagogical skills, needed to the teaching career in maths.
It is intended for students, during the degree to: obtain knowledge and reflection skills about the teaching career and school reality (social context, evaluation, legislation, planning and teaching organization, etc.); develop diversified strategies in teaching that foster creativity, critical thinking, methodological work, and that develop the skills needed to identify and overcome learning difficulties; promote learning bearing in mind the curricular program and the development of its predicted competences.
The conclusion of this cycle of studies involves the public discussion of a report on a curricular unit carried out during supervised teaching practices.




Duration of Studies:


The cycle of studies of the master’s degree in Teaching mathematics in the 3rd cycle of basic and secondary education is comprised of 4 semesters (2 academic years). Those who obtain 120 ECTS are awarded the title.
This master’s degree aims at training Math teachers for the 3rd cycle of Basic and Secondary Education. The main objective of this degree is to develop math skills, initiated in the 1st cycle of studies, and to acquire and develop of scientific and pedagogical skills, needed to the teaching career in maths.
It is intended for students, during the degree to: obtain knowledge and reflection skills about the teaching career and school reality (social context, evaluation, legislation, planning and teaching organization, etc.); develop diversified strategies in teaching that foster creativity, critical thinking, methodological work, and that develop the skills needed to identify and overcome learning difficulties; promote learning bearing in mind the curricular program and the development of its predicted competences.
The conclusion of this cycle of studies involves the public discussion of a report on a curricular unit carried out during supervised teaching practices.




Duration of Studies:






Career Opportunities and Employability

Graduates will be professionally qualified for the teaching career in Maths in the 3rd cycle of Basic and Secondary Education. According to the decree-lay number 43/2007 of 22 of February, the approval of the 2nd cycle of studies is mandatory to the teaching profession.


This degree is specially aimed at the holders of an undergraduate degree in the fields of maths, engineering or related fields, and to those that intend to obtain professional qualifications to the teaching career in maths in the 3rd cycle of basic and secondary education. Candidates may apply if holders of an international higher academic degree, recognized as meeting the objectives of an Undergraduate degree; holders of a school, scientific or professional curriculum recognized by head of this cycle of studies, attesting to the ability to the conclusion of the degree, and that have the mandatory 120 ECTS in the field of Maths. Candidates may apply if holders of 90 ECTS in the field of maths; In this case, the enrolment in this degree will be conditioned to the gathering of the remaining 30 ECTS. Candidates to this degree must be submitted and approved in a written and oral proficiency test in the Portuguese.

* The information on this page does not preclude consultation of the Degree’s Curriculum in Diário da República.

The mission of Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES) is to contribute to improving the quality of Portuguese higher education, through the assessment and accreditation of higher education institutions and their study programmes.

Degree accredited for 6 years, from 31/07/2020.. Check this degree’s evaluation >